Lexic Items homologous to the Numerical Egregore of 9 ( nine = 14 )

  -36   ( negative thirty six = 3 )
ozzy . run, spot, run!

  -27   ( negative twenty seven = 11 )
four twenty (420)

  -18   ( negative eighteen = 68 )
forty four (44) . nitrous . nuts . poison ivy . psycho-history . sex pistols . tarquinius superbus . twenty seven (27) . zits . zos . without

  -9   ( negative nine = 43 )
. brushy . burros . disrupt . empty . loss . -ly . monthly . northerly . nw . ov . pot . pupils . quantum . saturn . show . sizzla . strive . strong . sword . that witch survives . throw it away . top . twenty five (25) . twenty nine (29) . twenty three (23) . up . vex . visit . vomit . W . words . writer

  9   ( nine = 14 )
aborts . across . adjust . adopts . airs . alerts . also . also . alters . alum . ardors . auk . barony . bassos . bays . bliss . blower . bonito . bounds . bowler . brawls . broils . bull . bumper . bunion . busies . do . e . expansion . fifty seven . forever . giver . ill . lift . loki . magus . neutralize . nobody . normative . obey . obsession . orev zarak . paste . perish . princess . save . saying . seventy eight (78) . shadows . steel . success . the . then . theriomorph . time . value . verb . wear . yang . zenseiderz

  18   ( eighteen = 39 )
fire . gold . earth . the bull . november . act . admits . ads . advent . agents . amidst . anther . antics . aortic . are . arisen . ashore . awards . basest . basset . bastes . batter . bawl . beasts . berm . bingos . bluffs . boat . bobs . bog . boil . booker . bootie . braver . brazen . brunch . bugles . bulges . bunted . burped . completion . glamor . lord shiva . abuser

  27   ( twenty seven = -18 )
march . gemini . abjure . abound . absorb . acre . acumen . aeries . affray . afresh . against . alight . alphas . alpine . angler . aphids . apocalypse . appear . aria . asides . babylon . bags . bailor . balers . beau . be-hove . benumb . bid . biders . bigamy . bigwig . bilker . bind . bind . blares . blears . bogies . bookie . bred . brewed . brides . brogan . bunked . creation . eschaton . goetia . harlem . maje . nergal . neuromancer . octarine . original . presence . satariel . seraphylogenesis . shub-niggurath . undesired . violence

  36   ( thirty six = -26 )
abates . abbess . able . accept . bale . balsam . bamboo . barred . be-gone . belted . bicker . bide . bigger . binned . blacks . boggle . braces

  45   ( forty five = 0 )
adding . afraid . agleam . apiece . arable . arched . avalokiteshvara . baleen . bashed . belief . bodied . indolence

  54   ( fifty four = 0 )
addled . banded . beamed . bedeck . begged . bobbed . debauch

  63   ( sixty three = -13 )
accede . beaded . caffeine . friedrich nietzsche . sacred chao . the phantom menace . unidentifiable intruders


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