P.O.E.T.R.Y.         originally posted to livejournal & wordpress    

( victory salutations to the troops overseas killing babies by the truckload )

  The epiphenomenal cozenage of pancritical rationalism

As a general preface we will examine one very important metric which we find continually overused and incomparably misunderstood not only by the layman sector, but more detrimentally amongst those who prematurely consider themselves our peers. The subject of this metric is applied memetics and although many of us may think we know exactly what we're talking about when it comes to this topic we implore you to forget much of the mistaken hype you've absorbed rectally which surrounds the function of memes and their capacity to affect the structure of reality in accord with our conscious efforts. Many are those who will offer us loads of theoretical elephant dung in regards to memetic technologies, but most individuals fall short of practical applications and succumb to the auto-toxic satrap co-meme that memetics itself has set up for us. Information protects itself from retardation through the agencies of cognitive subterfuge, reverse engineering (prevarication by proxy), and the sheer predictability of human error.

  Disinformation is the most highly potent manifestation of information

Since the concept of the meme itself (the meta-meme) was originally contrived (by Dick Dawkins) as an analogy to the word "gene" it seems appropriate to view the proliferation of memes as the explicit conversion of sociotypical communicability because memes act as lineal patterns that are heritable without requiring such things as fluid exchange, or proximity to the potential host replicant, or revealing the infection strategy used by memeticists. Here we are left with a distinct model for memes that contains a simulacrum of clones, end-sequences, and necessary mapping data that one can accurately envision as the genomeme. We're taught that memes are culturally transmissible units of imitation (infoquanta) which reproduce asexually from one synaptic matrix to another exclusively through our stimulus modalities (vision, audition, gustation, olfaction, or somatosensations such as tactition, thermoception, nociception, equilibrioception, and proprioception) and this duplication process is what allows memes to exist.

  We can avoid histrionic recursion, but the meme escapes our intuitive faculties.

Ideas or patterns of information can not be considered actual memes until they cause a person to repeat the ideas or patterns. Rarely do we witness the replication of memes through psychick osmosis, but they've been known to convey their contents through subtle inference, tenuous implication, or axiomatic suggestion. Contrary to popular sentiment, memes are not a strictly tautological phenomenon and are not limited to our base physiological methods of perceptual semiotics to fulfill their replication strategies. Memes may replicate just as readily through such non-human senses as electroception, magnetoception, and echolocation as they can through jokes and lyrics, postures and handshakes, farts and incense, spices and strains, or sly flirting and oral sex techniques. Due to the fact that memes are more contagious than malignantly mutated measles they're just as easily contracted in their obtuse-abstract forms as in their acute-categorical forms.

  Direct observation is required to contract a meme, but direct comprehension is not.

One doesn't have to appreciate the meme they're passing on to continue to pass it on. Think of the telephone game, invariably players are passing on phrases or statements or words that are nonsensical, but the game is not one of agreeing with or supporting or even grasping the information being whispered from mouth to ear. In this way, mis-replication is an inherently flawed ideal as there is no histameme or vaccime to immunomemetize us from the inevitability of symmemetic drift. Memes care not for what is true or what is accurate. Memes only care for what is recognized or what is remembered. Charlie Manson didn't kill anyone himself, yet even educated people still refer to him as a mass murderer. The meme stuck. This is where memes differ from folklore and myth. Whereas folklore and myth is at least slightly concerned with the accuracy of the pattern, memes simply reproduce whatever pattern is apparent. Memes act more like cliches than myths. Memes fulfill the fuzzy logistics of inconclusive speculation.

  People will believe just about anything that serves their immediate impulses.

The events in the bible are taken seriously by theologians, they're concerned with how precise the context of scripture has painted history through these romanticized poetries. Sun-sign astrologers imagine that they're able to predict events based on a non-heliocentric model of our galaxy. (the irony alone is enough to saturate my monitor in coffee) Whenever one of these astrologers comes within a cunt hair of relevance with one of many thousands of guesses provided daily, people who buy into the psuedoscience claim it lends credibility to the archaic art. Rarely will believers in sun-sign astrology espouse skepticism (to avoid cognitive dissonance, no doubt) such as the medium's use of simple psychological profiling, or overgeneralization of personality traits, or plain old fashioned pep talking. It seems that those with very little in the way of common sense will actively seek out gurus who utilize it as their guise for wisdom, but feeding a starving person is not an act of divinity.

  It ain't even an act of generosity as everyone expects compensation for their actions.

Which brings us to another concrete example of how historical fact is often superceeded by the need for mass memetic concordance. This pre-packaging of truth is nothing new. It's an integral part of political science because, as the good man says, the difference between reality and fiction is that fiction has to make sense. It's less difficult for the average cadaver to digest fictious accounts of history because detailed fiction resolves itself in the end (like so many moralizing sit-coms) whereas the reality of reality further complicates matters in the minds of the many. The burning of the Library of Alexandria remains one of the most ambiguous yet auspicious events of the last two millenia. Commonly the blame for this arson is placed solely upon Julius Caeser, but a cursory review of the author of these fabrications, Plutarch, reveals his political motivations for defaming the populist emporer. Plutarch was in bed with a gaggle of prominent senators who sought leverage to use against caeser.

  Politeness and politics share only surfacial etymological roots.

The copies made of Plutarch's surviving records inside the walls of Christian monasteries were prone to error and possibly even embellished to meet certain political agendas. While undoubtedly the library (and its adjoined temple) were attacked on several occassions before the common era we're specifically paying attention to the events of the fourth century of the common era. And in the spirit of my man James Burke I have to postulate the possibility that if the library of Alexandria wasn't burned to the ground, fine calf-skin parchment (predecessor to paper) may have not been invented for many centuries to come by the Pergamenes as a service to the Hellenistic Ptolemite library at Pergamum following the destruction of the Alexandrian serapeum. The ever-increasing scarcity of exported papyrus feuled this invention, but had it not been for the toppling of the temple it's possible that IBM may not have begun utlizing electric punched card sorting machines until the 21st century instead of the early 20th.

  What of your precious Internet then, my prattling bloggites?

Your cosmology may vary here, but if all ceremonial and ritual practice throughout the ages from primitive shamanism and esoteric martial arts to ancient mystery cults and monotheistic monopolies amount to little more than attempts toward initiation into the Persuasion of the Original Enigmatic Theomorphisms Refuged from Yuggoth (known in this 5th aeon as the Chruch of Virus) where disparate cells from around the world form a network of advocates unified under a mutual weltanschauuung (paradigm) as worshippers of the Primeval Imperium of Supratheistic Sovereignity on this planet (and indeed the prototypical motivity in this galaxy) which has been confined to the infrathestic realm (below the material plane) by the ambassadors of this universe. The disciples of this Persuasion of the Original Enigmatic Theomorphisms Refuged from Yuggoth formed a secret society of sorts that has remained mostly undetected at the underbelly of all forms of religious expression long before oral traditions were even recorded.

  The silent current flows effortlessly unfettered through this ghost of a species

The primary business of this secret society is to manipulate the aspirants (ass pirates) and seekers (sea curse) in their quest for the acquisition of mystical knowledge and the attainment of magical power. The ends define the means and what this secret society intends to accomplish with so much string-pulling is essentialy to have the probationer uncover the conspiracy for hirself and this is because the Persuasion of the Original Enigmatic Theomorphisms Refuged from Yuggoth does not prosetylize to the unworthy and the unprepared as is the case with organized religions. To the contrary, this secret society is concerned only with those who exhibit the spiritual fortitude to accept that the widely known fallacies generated by the politically motivated religions on this planet are an abomination of human history. Just patronizing fables and moral lessons intended to guide the testicle-less dispossessed dipshits in their dog eat dogfood worlds. All emotionally oppresive dogmatisms are designed for the dog in man.

  Sit. Roll over. Give paw. Clean your own ass and play dead otherwise.

Now, we might imagine that one sect of this secret society occupied space at the library of Alexandria and were exposed to the provincial oligarchy (most likely by cofidential informant which is how all great enterprises crumble; refusal to excercise the 4th virtue of the Sphinx) who rallied a mob of the righteous armed only with lit torches and the sole intention of an expedient seige campaign. Jealousy of power breeds violence and mutilation that few care to speak of, but the righteous mob may have had no idea what exactly they were destroying. The necessary mentality cultivated in spontanoues rioting is usually reduced to the blind ambition to remove the perceived threat at any cost. Intelligence gathering isn't high on the list of priorities when faced with the task of vanquishing supposed evil from the face of the earth, but the Persuasion of the Original Enigmatic Theomorphisms Refuged from Yuggoth only have one text worth preserving. The liber of all libers. The godfather of grimoires.

  The codex of the masks of death. The canon of the cosmic cabal. The necronomicon.

The only tome to precede the coptic and aramaic languages. The folio of those entities which have been banished from the world of humans for their nefarious pursuits. That most antediluvian of magickal texts bound in the skin of the Nephilim, written on the vellum of infants, inked with the the black ooze of monstrous cephalopods from the deepest, darkest reaches of the oceans. If this manual ever reached formal publication humans would live in a galaxy void of the evident conditioning of guilt and servitude to imaginary fables. A galaxy exponentially more advanced in the technological sense than most people dare to imagine. Instead the last two-thousands years has been controlled by a force of ontological decay and spiritual sterility at the hands of hypocrites and the holy managerial heirarchy. The blame for devolution of our species lie with emperor Theodosius under orders from Rome to demolish all pagan temples including the forbidden libraries of Alexandria.

  Behold him who taketh away the sins of the world!

Now, we should assume that the Persuasion of the Original Enigmatic Theomorphisms Refuged from Yuggoth had foreknowledge of the impending seige on the library of Alexandria and safely escaped to the seas with the dreaded black book in a similar fashion as the cathar monks who escaped with the San Gra'al genealogical documents before troops of the Seneschal of Carcassonne broke through their defenses at Montsegur. As I said before, information safeguards itself from retardation and no where is this clearer than in the clandestine operations of the Persuasion of the Original Enigmatic Theomorphisms Refuged from Yuggoth in their devotion to keep such pre-historic knowledge out of the hands of civilized men who are evil in deed, but refute their malevolence in word by pretense and sponsorship to the popular ideal of virtuousness. The criminal greed of theives of power bent on the weakening of the populus. The same despicable creatures who lead prayers on sunday afternoon after sodomizing the choir that morning.

  Let them curse it that curse the day, who're skillful to rouse leviathan.

Just as the system of psychogeography and geomancy detailed by the Chinese in the psuedoscience of Veng Xui utilizes and reveres what are known as cthonic dragon currents extending outward from the earth's core, so too does this exegesis of telluric energies distilled beneath the earth in places like the Giza plateau, the Sedona vortex, the Chartes cathedral, the Glastonbury Tor, and the Ziggurats of Mesopotamia provide the ultimate spellbook for those who endeavor to lay waste to the barrier separating our material plane from the infrathestic prison that the great race is confined to with only the ability to manipulate the subtlest of human dimensions such as dreams and fears and art and psychedelic intoxication. Here is where our treastie comes full circle as the very idea of religion itself has succumb to memetic drift and left us with a vulgar misrepresentation of that which is deserving of worship in the first place. We're advised to worship only sanctioned deities.

  This is the downfall of man perverted in biblical scripture and hidden in apocrypha.

Our connection to nature (and in turn our own souls) has been severed by an infantile belief in those inferior godforms which impart no reward on their devotees. This cliche of mysterious ways your god works in is an absence of ways alltogether, a delusion of false hope in the existence of something, or more accurately anything, that cares for our futile lives. The chasm we must cross from abyss to abyss has been lengthened due to the poisoning of the collective awareness. We no longer notice the periphery of events that the great storm precipitates as the climate we live in. We no longer recognize our habits or manners as consequential on the macro scale. We are, but monkeys chasing the dangling banana of a reality we're hardly engaged in. This rising New Age is nothing more than the calm before another great dark age of spiritual repression where the great storm we must weather becomes the great dragon we must face.

  It is a liminal threshold we cross to reach limitless mortality.

written by:   eianorange      
