XIX - Sol
( Sun in House 5 standing for the joy of life, creativity and persuasive power )

Zodiac: Sol

Tree of life: The axis Hod ---> Yesod

Element: Fire

Number: 19 as a higher level of 9, the cross sum is 10 > Wheel of Fortune > The Magician

The Sun is the symbol of life and light, for the power that always is generously given without reducing itself.

The Sun will shine and give light to the earth to make all life possible. So the Sun stands for vitality and optimism, the blossoming of our nature, and is a sign that we have overcome the time of darkness and are ready to enjoy the light.

But the Sun also has its negative aspects. Never forget that without the depth of water, the sun will create a desert.

Drive: Aiming at the light, living for generous, unconditional principles

Light: Vitality, generosity, warmth, self-confidence

Shadow: Self-complacency, dazzling, promising much and doing nothing

( source: corax.com/ )    

Glory. Gain. Riches. Triumph. Pleasure. Pleasure. Truth. Shamelessness. Manifestation. Recovery. Arrogance. Vanity.

This card represents the Lord of the new Aeon, the Lord of Light, Life, Liberty and Love, and the complete emancipation of the human race. The green mound represents the fertile earth, but the presence of a wall shows that the new Aeon does not mean the absence of control. The twin children are represented as dancing outside the wall, because they typify the new stage in human history, the stage of complete freedom from the restrictions imposed by such ideas as sin and death.

Sol. Resh. This card shows the simple human approach to the mysteries. The Sun is the lord of life, liberty, light and love. The children are dancing with butterfly wings. They are surrounded by the signs of the Zodiac, showing the different houses through which the Sun passes.

( source: Aleister Crowley's Thoth tarot deck booklet )    


