VI - Lovers
( Venus and Mars - on a higher level Sun and Moon - as the combination of the contrasts )

Zodiac: Gemini

Tree of life: From Binah to Tiphareth

Element: Air

Number: 6 as combination of contrasts and their mutual penetration

The Lovers are one of the most complex cards in the Major Arcana, standing for the love in common and the alchemy of the universe. The trump represents the power of life, the creative love, which can be quite impressive, but also destructive when one happens to disregard the fire of instinct, burning down rationalism.

The card also represents a decision, the farewell to a former way of life and the full acceptance of love uncompromising. It doesn't necessarily mean that the 'love' is a person that you tie your knots to with fancy tungsten wedding bands - it can be a passion, a desire, or even a profession, like going to sea or working with horses. Many people who lead an adapted, settled life actually have deep desires and hidden wishes, that they don't dare show, that they constantly fight back, suppressing their own happiness.

The Lovers can mean that someone should be honest, make a clear decision for this love, the fulfilling of a wish, of a desire, and stand by it. Apart from this, the Lovers can say that a peaceful combination of existing contrasts or contradictions is a better solution than any confrontation - diplomacy instead of war.

Drive: Devotion, melting into one another, being one with it, love

Light: Full-hearted confession, trust, optimism

Shadow: Displacement, repression, giving up on one's self

( source: )    

Inspiration. Intuition. Intelligence. Innocence. Attraction. Beauty. Love. Self-contradiction. Instability. Indecision. Superficiality. Infatuation.

This specifically alchemical card is a symbol of procreation, the swords drawing attention to he process of division which actually takes place. Cain and Abel represent the refusal of God to hear the children of Eve until blood is shed. This seems to be the symbolisation of external religion. It was by means of the shedding of blood and of external religions that Cain was able to have contact with his fellow men. In that sense the meaning of the card is the giving of science to mankind, since the murder symbolizes analysis and the subsequent contact, synthesis.

Gemini. Zain. This is an alchemical card illustrating the marriage or union of two opposites, thus we have the prince and princess holding the wand and the cup. Cain and Abel, Lilith and Eve. The swords at the back suggest the intellectual process in the uniting of two elements. The figure of the Creator blesses this deliberate synthesis. The alchemical white eagle of salt and the red eagle of sulphur, the Egg of wisdom and the winged wand of Osiris are at the bottom of the card.

( source: Aleister Crowley's Thoth tarot deck booklet )    


