IV - The Emperor
( Path of Tzaddi 15 in the ToL Sun in Capricorn standing for responsibility, order, security, continuity )

Zodiac: Aries

Tree of life: The axis Netzach ---> Yesod

Element: Fire

Number: 4 as physical reality, basic structure, orientation

Trumps III (Empress) and IV (Emperor) represent Parents in their archetypal way. Just as the Empress stands for Mother Nature, the Emperor is the social world, the structure of civilization, a symbol for its law and order, may they be good or bad, but the power behind them. He is the abstraction of establishment, its stability and security.

In its negative aspects the card can represent the force of bad law in a society where stability is rated higher than morals or ethic. Once law and order are established as an institution, a bad emperor can turn out to be a disaster. And even at his best the Emperor is limited -- he puts restrictions and borders to the spontaneity of spirit and nature.

In a more personal view the Emperor might stand for a time of stability and structure, linear thinking and discipline. Yet we can't live without it, too many of those attributes will only lead to rational despotism and mental poverty.

Drive: Mastery of the will over nature, a sense for law and order, plan and structure

Light: Creation, recognition, stability, realism, responsiveness

Shadow: Despotism, self-complacency, poorness of feelings, lack of fantasy; rationalism as a prison

( source: corax.com/ )    

War. Conquest. Victory. Strife. Power. Stability. Originality. Government. Energy. Ambition. Arrogance. Megalomania. Rashness.

This card means Government by means of two contrasting symbols. These are the Ram, which, when wild, is solitary and courageous, and the Lamb, which is docile and cowardly, and is, in fact, the Ram tamed by authority. The posture typifies Alchemical Sulphur, the fiery element of the universe. The Red Eagle represents the Red Tincture of the Alchemists, whic is of the nature of gold.

Aries. Tzaddi. Again, he is seated according to tradition. His legs form a right angle, typifying rule through unyielding law and order. The goats behind him show he is governed by Aries, creative dominating force. The bees on his costume may have originated from French tradition, but more probably they typify the bees of the Secret Doctrines in the Indian Upanishads. The heraldic red eagle is the fiery sulphur of Alchemy. The lamb is, possibly, a reminiscence of the Knights Templar.

( source: Aleister Crowley's Thoth tarot deck booklet )    


